If your partner complains that you snore during your sleep, or if you wake up in the morning feeling tired and grouchy, you may have a common sleep disorder called sleep apnea. this means that at night, your airway is blocked and you stop breathing during your sleep. if you have this condition, you need to find treatment right away to avoid further problems.
for people who are using a cpap machine, you need to take notes to give to your doctor. if you experience any symptoms, like snoring, that were eliminated when you started using the cpap machine and they come back, you need to let your doctor know. only your doctor can properly assess any problems.
consider doing a few very specific exercises before going to bed each night, to alleviate some of your sleep apnea symptoms. exercising throat and tongue muscles has been proven in scientific studies to reduce snoring, improve breathing and lessen the more profound effects of sleep apnea when done according to doctor's orders.
avoid drinking alcohol to excess. your muscles are relaxed by drinking alcohol. you may want to feel more relaxed, but it can exacerbate your apnea. when your throat muscles relax, your airway narrows and causes sleep apnea. if you're not going to give up alcohol, then just don't do it right before bedtime.
try your best to lay off tobacco and nicotine products. cigarette smoke can irritate your upper airway causing it to swell up, subsequently hindering your ability to breath during the night. quitting smoking could therefore, significantly improve your sleep apnea symptoms and will also improve your body's overall health and your feelings of well-being.
if you think that you may have sleep apnea, set up a video of yourself as you sleep. just be sure that the video recorder has sound capability. when you wake up, look at the video, and if it seems like something other than snoring is going on, it may be time to go to the doctor.
avoid any type of drugs or alcohol if you are experiencing any type of sleep apnea. drugs and alcohol will slow down your respiratory system, and that is known to be one of the causes of sleep apnea. if you are struggling with this issue, try to get some professional help to overcome these addictions.
for people who smoke, the best way to correct a sleep apnea condition is to quit smoking. smoking is one of the biggest causes of sleep apnea. when people stop smoking their risk of sleep apnea is reduced and they can get a full night sleep within days of quitting.
if simple changes in your lifestyle, such as regular sleep hours and losing weight, have not eliminated your sleep apnea episodes, it is time to consult with a sleep specialist. the specific causes of your sleep apnea can be evaluated, and an individual treatment plan can be designed for you.
make no mistake, sleep apnea is one of the most disruptive conditions a person can have, largely due to its ability to rob sufferers of the sound sleep they need to stay healthy. the best way to effectively deal with the condition is to understand it completely. keep the information in this article handy in order to stay on top of this dangerous condition and reclaim peace of mind.
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